A total of 64 guests, comprising Lodge members and friends with their Ladies, once more descended on the Miramar Hotel in Bournemouth on the weekend of February 22nd - 24th, where W Bro Michael Dennis presided over what proved to be a wonderful ladies weekend.
The Miramar commands a prime location situated on the sea front at East Cliff. The food and accommodation provided are of a very high standard and as usual W Bro Alan Verney did a marvellous job in both organising the weekend and in his role as Master of Ceremonies.
The weekend kicked-off on the Friday evening with a race night which was an outstanding success, as not only being entertaining but also productive in serving to boost the money raised for charity. The Banquet on Saturday evening was most enjoyable, with speeches relevant, entertaining and enlightening. The dinner was duly rounded-off with dancing to a live band.
Altogether the race night on the Friday with the raffle and silent auction on the Saturday resulted in a total amount raised for charity of £1,060.00. This is to be divided between Keech Cottage Children's Hospice and The Macmillan Nurses. Both charities which were chosen by the President's Lady, Mrs Pauline Dennis.