Ritual, workings and Lodge of Instructions can all seem a bit daunting for younger (or, more accurately, newer) Freemasons so, as part of a new mentoring policy, the East Hertfordshire Lodge held its first ever 'Light Blue' LOI on 21st April.
The evening, at which more experienced 'dark blue' Masons were kindly asked to 'take the night off', was designed as an informal opportunity for Lodge Mentor W Bro Michael Dennis to provide the light blues with further explanation about some of the basic workings of the Lodge and the meaning behind some of the more unusual elements of ritual and Lodge etiquette. It also provided an opportunity for the light blues to ask any questions that they may have felt uncomfortable asking in a normal LOI or Lodge meeting.
W Bro Michael Dennis was ably assisted by the Worshipful Master W Bro Norman Hollands and Bro Director and Assistant Director of Ceremonies W Bros Matthew Dennis and Ali Osman; between whom we had a veritable treasure trove of Masonic knowledge!
The evening was a great success and plans are underway to make this a more regular event in the near future.